Electric Bike Conversion — The Chinese Connection

Beethy Chang
3 min readNov 2, 2020

Riding a bike is such a simple pleasure and great exercise! The bicycle has been around for more than a hundred years and has had numerous advances. A hugely growing trend is that of Electric Bike Conversion. Now, my wife and I both have bikes and use them probably once a week. We usually go on bike paths, which are great if all you are after is a little exercise. Sometimes we take our Golden Retriever “Max” (Yes, I know it’s the most common dog name, but hey, I’m not very inventive!). Anyway, Max is four years old and gets quite a workout when he jogs along with us on the bike paths. That’s right; he speeds along and doesn’t have to run cause we’re old and pedal slow!

But I digress. The world of bicycling is changing. With the world becoming more concerned about global warming and the high gasoline (Don’t get me started on the oil companies and their insane profits!), everyone is looking for reasonable alternatives — ways to reduce their “carbon footprint” and reduce transportation costs.

A rapidly growing segment is that of electric bike conversion. It is a way to turn your manually pedaled bicycle into one that essentially peddles itself! Imagine gliding past snarled traffic on your motorized bicycle, relaxed and sweat-free!

The bicycle was a symbol of China in more doctrinaire communist times when almost no one owned a car. Even now, nearly two decades after the country began its great leap into capitalism and use of the automobile, it still has 430 million bicycles by government count, outnumbering electric bikes and scooters 7-to-1.

But the production of electric two-wheelers has soared from fewer than 200,000 eight years ago to 22 million last year alone, mostly for the domestic market. The industry estimates about 65 million are on Chinese roads today.

One Chinese woman reported, “I like riding my e-bike during rush hour and sometimes enjoy a laugh at the people stuck in taxis. It’s so convenient and helpful in Shanghai since the traffic is worse than ever.”

In China, the use of electric two-wheelers has soared from fewer than 200,000 eight years ago to 22 million last year, mostly for the domestic market. The industry estimates about 65 million are on Chinese roads.

The trend is catching on in the United States and elsewhere. It costs only pennies to charge the batteries for daily use.

In Japan, plug-in bicycles are favored by cost-conscious companies and older commuters.

Australians use electric bikes in rural towns without bus and train service. The Electric Bicycle Co. Pty. Ltd., the continent’s largest manufacturer and retailer of e-bikes, says he has sold about 20,000 in the past decade, priced at about $800 to $1,600.

In the Netherlands, which is an especially bicycle-friendly country, sales passed 138,800 last year.

Here in the good ‘ole US of A, the desire to purchase electric bikes and electric bike conversion kits are rising rapidly. This site is being developed to aid the person looking to utilize an electric bike conversion kit and provide info on the best electric bikes that one can purchase.

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